After completing his education at a college for construction and technology, Martin Anhut did a social service for one year in Uganda. During this time he was involved in several agriculture projects and designed a irrigation system for 64 hectare land.
Afterwards he studied civil engineering at the Technical University Dresden (Germany), to gain the knowledge to work as a civil engineer in developing countries.
In 2013 he designed first plans for an educational institute in Uganda.
The following two years Martin Anhut was supervising the construction of this institution, the so called SINA under the managment of “Jangu e.V.”, a german NGO based in Berlin.
After many months in Uganda he constructed 2 dormitory houses, class rooms, a biogas-toilet, shower rooms for 200 students and water storage of 160.000 liter water.
Different kinds of alternative and Eco-friendly construction methods where applied during this construction. This methods are presented on this website.
After further studies at the FH Aachen in Germany, Mr. Anhut specialized in external construction supervision for foreign objects as well as in topics of building computer science (BIM and VR).